The Rubicon was the limit on this northern side.Sylla was struck with surprise and admiration and when Pompey saluted him with the title of Imperator, which was the highest title known to the Roman constitution, and the one which Sylla's lofty rank and unbounded power might properly claim, Sylla returned the rio rio cantina san antonio compliment by conferring this great mark of distinction on him.A triumph was a great and splendid ceremony, by which victorious generals, who were of advanced age and high civil or military rank, were received into the city when returning from any specially glorious campaign.The Britons had, in the mean time, obtained intelligence of Caesar's threatened invasion, and they rio rio cantina san antonio had assembled in great force, with troops, and horsemen, and carriages of war, and were all ready to guard the shore.If these were all mustered into service together, they would form, of course, an army of two hundred thousand men.This was a very sagacious course, so far as concerned the attainment of rio rio cantina san antonio the great objects of future ambition.He returned in due time from this expedition, loaded with military honors.A friend of Pompey's brought forward a plan for commissioning some one, he did not say whom, but every one understood that Pompey was intended, to be sent forth against the pirates, with extraordinary powers, such as should be amply sufficient to rio rio cantina san antonio enable him to bring their dominion to an end.These domestic troubles did not, however, interpose any serious obstacle to Pompey's progress in his career of greatness and glory.Thus they can go at any rate of speed which they desire, instead of being limited rio rio cantina san antonio in their movements by the powers of endurance of one set of animals, as they would be compelled to be if they were to travel with their own.Instead of returning to Rome after these exploits, Pompey obtained new powers from the government of the city, and pushed his way into Asia Minor, where he remained several years, pursuing a similar career of conquest to that of Caesar in Gaul.