With the border ruffians memoirs of the far west, 1852 1868, edited by E., lyrics to secret garden editor.WHITFORD, WILLIAM CLARKE.vii, 146 lyrics to secret garden 148.Reminiscences of Quantrill's raid upon the city of Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas City, Mo.F lyrics to secret garden.) meeting of Indian General Council at, 317 unfortunate delay of Scott in reaching, 320 Southern Indians renew pledge of loyalty to Confederate States at, 323 Army of Frontier under Blunt, 196 regiments of Indian Home Guards part of, 196 encamps on old battlefield of Pea Ridge, 197 gradual retrogression into Missouri, 219, footnote District of Kansas to be separated from, 248 Atchison and Pike's Peak Railway Company 230 Atrocities Pike charged with giving countenance to, 30 31, 31, footnote degree of Pike's responsibility for, 32 repudiated by Cherokee National Council, 32 33 become subject of correspondence between opposing generals, 33 charged against Indians at Battle of Wilson's Creek, 34, footnote forbidden by Van Dorn, 36 guerrilla, 44 influenced Halleck regarding use of Indian soldiers, 102 at Battle of Newtonia, 195 Blunts army accused of, 248, footnote Stand Watie's men commit, 332 Badeau, Adam work cited, 96, footnote Baldwin, A.Annals of Kansas (Topeka, lyrics to secret garden 1875).B 81 Campbell, W.N 205, footnote Cooper, Douglas H colonel of First Regiment Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles, 25 communicates with Pike, 29, footnote objects to keeping Indians at home, 31, footnote arrives at Camp Stephens, 32, 35 protects baggage train on way to Elm Springs, 35 recommends Indians as guerrillas, lyrics to secret garden 112 ordered to repair to country north of Canadian River, 129, 154 orders Indian leaders to report at Fort Davis, 137 regiment goes out of service, 153 views on employment of Indians, 159 and footnote Pike to hand over command to, 162 transmits Pike's circular, 167, 169 orders arrest of Pike, 169 calls for troops from all Indian nations, 174, footnote seeks to become superintendent of Indian affairs, 179 appointment withheld because of inebriety, 181 to attempt to renter southwest Missouri, 194 after Battle of Newtonia obliged to fall back into Arkansas, 197 under orders from Rains, plans invasion of Kansas, 197 defeated in Battle of Fort Wayne, 197 198 in disgrace, 198 Steele preferred to, 246 not ranking officer of Steele, 247, footnote, 300, footnote force poorly equipped, 248, footnote apparently bent upon annoying Steele, 265 can get plenty of beef, 272 influences to advance, at expense of Steele, 278, 306 and footnote orders Stand Watie to take position at Cabin Creek, 284 285 ammunition worthless at Honey Springs, 288 Boudinot and, intrigue together, 300 headquarters at Fort Washita, 303, footnote manifests great activity in own interests, 303 Quantrill and band reach camp of, 304 plans recovery of Fort Smith, 309 opposed to idea of separating white auxiliary from Indian forces, 310 raises objection to two brigade idea, 316 Boudinot and, advise formation of three distinct Indian brigades, 317 placed in command of all Indian troops in Trans Mississippi Department on borders of Arkansas, 319 declared subordinate to Maxey, 319 begins work of undermining Maxey, 333 334 Cooper, S 29, footnote, 128, footnote Corwin, David B 144 Corwin, Robert S 231, footnote Cottonwood River (Kans.Ross (Fort Smith, 1893).
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