Whether the companionship of his son on the long and gloomy journey was a comfort to the prince, or whether it only redoubled the bitterness of his calamity to see his son compelled to endure it too, it would be difficult to say.The emperor was so much pleased that he said he would server side scripting language join the company himself.Peter knew that when he became a man he would be emperor of all Russia.The server side scripting language princess was now almost in a state of despair.After some considerable time had elapsed, the merchant, who was constantly sending vessels to different parts of the world, was on one occasion about dispatching a ship to Copenhagen, and Le Fort asked permission to go in her.Alexander, then, when he arrived at the age of thirteen or server side scripting language fourteen, finding his situation and prospects at home very gloomy and discouraging, concluded to go out into the world and seek his fortune.His dominions extended so far that, on an occasion when he wished to send an embassador to one of his neighbors the Emperor of China it took the messenger more than eighteen months of constant and diligent traveling to go from the capital to the frontier.The Czar was very much pleased with the modesty of the young gentleman's behavior and, after finishing the conversation with the embassador, without, however, having asked him to release Le Fort from his service, he returned to the part of the room where Le Fort was, and presently asked him to bring server side scripting language him a glass of wine.At first he did not know Le Fort in his new garb and when at length he recognized him, and began to understand the case, he was exceedingly pleased.In these cases he was often unreasonable, and sometimes violent and he would server side scripting language in many instances have acted in an ungenerous and cruel manner if Le Fort had not always been at hand to restrain and appease him.He did not know a word of Russian when he came to my country, but your majesty can judge yourself how well he speaks it now.His word server side scripting language was law.But I hope, said Le Fort, that your majesty will make use of some other interpreter than myself in asking the question.
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