The top gallant sails were furled, and the lighter spars lowered to the deck.Two long, heavy cables dragging in the water astern so retarded the ship, that the stranger, coming down gallantly, thought he had fallen in with a lumbering old American merchantman, which was mideast capitals list making frantic, but futile, efforts to escape.A carronade is a short cannon of large calibre, but of very short range.War was soon declared and, as it happened, the two friends were mideast capitals list pitted against each other early in the hostilities.David Porter.He immediately replied, that he thought she came down too boldly for an American but soon after added, 'The better he behaves, the more credit mideast capitals list we shall gain by taking him.He then set an English flag at each masthead, beat to quarters, and made ready for the fight.This expectation was fully realized some weeks later, when the Constitution fell in with the mideast capitals list British frigate Guerriere.The astonished Englishmen replied feebly, but were quickly driven from their posts by the rapidity of the American fire and, in eight minutes after the action was opened, the British hauled down their flag.Dacres was astounded, as well he might mideast capitals list be for on the decks of his ship lay twenty three dead or mortally wounded men, while the surgeons were doing their best to alleviate the sufferings of fifty six wounded, among whom were several officers.The capture of the Alert reflected no great glory upon the Americans, for the immense superiority of the Essex rendered her success certain.Bad mideast capitals list luck seemed to follow her, and she had reached a point off Cape Sable before she made a prize.
Mideast capitals list
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