Vedanta solves this difficulty by saying that each of these germ plasms or germ cells is nothing but the subtle form of a reincarnating individual, containing potentially all the experiences, characters, tendencies, and desires which one had in one's previous life.The fire of knowledge kindled by science has already burnt down many dogmas and beliefs, held sacred by the superstition of the past, which stood in the herme paris pierre way of truth seeking minds.The energy of the lower human nature is spent chiefly in the struggle for material existence.He herme paris pierre says I have called this substance 'germ plasm,' and have assumed that it possesses a highly complex structure, conferring upon it the power of developing into a complex organism.Those particular things may not come to us in our memory, but we have not lost the wisdom.How unhappy he must be who knows that the wicked deeds of his past life will surely react on him and herme paris pierre will bring distress, misery, unhappiness or suffering within a few days or a few months.Calderwood says So far as human organism is concerned, there seem no overwhelming obstacles to be encountered by an evolution theory, but it seems impossible under such a theory to account for the appearance of the thinking, self regulating life distinctly human.Not long ago I saw a girl of about six years, who played the piano most beautifully and who could herme paris pierre reproduce the most difficult music after hearing it once.Neither is it possible to trace the extraordinary powers of any of these back to any member of their ancestral line.His musical talents were herme paris pierre so great that he composed music for himself and played his own compositions.Weismann and his followers say that these peculiarities are gained or inherited from the common stock, but what that common stock is they do not explain.The particular events and the struggles which you went through are passing out of your herme paris pierre memory, but the experience, the knowledge which you have gained through that experience, has moulded your character, has shaped you in a different manner.The germ of life had passed through various stages of physical form before it could appear as a man.If modern science can explain what that common stock is and why and how these germs retain those peculiarities and tendencies, then the answer herme paris pierre will be complete and not until then.After death the soul wakes up and puts on or manufactures the garment of a new body, just in the same manner as we put on new clothes after throwing away the old and worn out ones.