The problem before the designer was no easy one.Colossal engines force these great real estate sign masses of steel through sea and fog.Sometimes the hooks are baited with bits of clam or porgy, though usually the mackerel, when biting at all, will snap with avidity at a naked hook, if tinned so as to shine in the water.Many lights have been built at such points on our coast, but the real estate sign ponderous tower of Minot's Ledge, at the entrance to Boston Harbor, may well be taken as a type.In fifty years this little town gave to the hungry sea two thousand two hundred men, and vessels valued at nearly two million, dollars.Every fisherman handles two lines, and when the fishing is good he is kept busy hauling in and striking off the fish until his arms ache, and the tough skin on his real estate sign hands is nearly chafed through.But save for these momentary interruptions, there is little break in the work.Two lighthouses have real estate sign reared their heads here to warn away the mariner.'Yes, and I've got him,' triumphantly shouts out the next man on the other side of him, hauling in as he speaks, a fine mackerel, and striking him off into his barrel in the most approved style.One side of the net is taken up on the schooner's deck, and there clamped firmly, the fish thus lying in the bunt, or real estate sign pocket between the schooners, and the two boats which lie off eight or ten feet, rising and falling with the sea.From Gloucester alone, in 1879, two hundred and fifty fishermen were lost.