If a circus should come to town, he would now be ready for it he had the shoes.You're not hurt, are head to toe hat you? he asked.Strawberry turn over was not good for Mitch.They head to toe hat came to David in time to save his faith in the business of being four years old.David remembered that he hadn't consulted any fairy godmother about it long since he would have done so, only he could never catch any fairy godmothers hanging around.Always when the street sprinkler passed, David had head to toe hat watched it covetously, and now was his chance.Perhaps the lazy clamor of the wagon and the hissing sound of the steadily gushing water made too big a noise for the voice of such a little boy to be heard.CHAPTER III head to toe hat THE WORLD'S END Sometimes, when David was working hard on his siesta, Mother would tell him that he was to whistle as soon as the Sand Man came.Truly, was it? asks David, and then something blooms pink in Mother's cheeks.Just head to toe hat the teeniest, weeniest, wee bite would be quite sufficient for him.Where did you get it? David was eager to know that, but Mitch decided that he must be going.