CHAPTER IX.Pompey had a signet ring upon his finger at brazil visa service the time of his assassination, which was taken off by the Egyptian officers and carried away to Ptolemy, together with the other articles of value which had been found upon his person.The lives of the virtuous pass smoothly and happily away, but the tale, when told to others, possesses but little interest or attraction while those of the wicked, whose days are spent in wretchedness and despair, and are thus full of misery to the actors themselves, afford to the rest of mankind a high degree of pleasure, from the dramatic interest of the story.At length Caesar determined on taking brazil visa service decided action.He organized at Rhodes a small but very efficient fleet of ten galleys, and, embarking his best troops in them, he made sail for the coasts of Egypt.He bade his wife farewell, who clung to him as they brazil visa service were about to part with a gloomy presentiment that they should never meet again.Caesar, however, with the characteristic boldness and energy of his character, proceeded directly to Alexandria, the capital.There stands brazil visa service to the present day, among the ruins of Alexandria, a beautiful column, about one hundred feet high, which has been known in all modern times as POMPEY'S PILLAR.Caesar determined first to go to Africa, and then, after disposing of Cato's resistance, to cross the Mediterranean into Spain.He passed brazil visa service eastward along the Mediterranean, touching at such ports as he supposed most likely to favor his cause.The world will never cease to mourn the irreparable loss.As they approached the shore, both Pompey brazil visa service himself and Cornelia felt many anxious forebodings.Several men of rank and influence, who had served under him in the days of his prosperity, nobly adhered to him now, and formed a sort of court or council on board his galley, where they held with their great though fallen commander frequent conversations on the plan which it was best to pursue.When it touched brazil visa service the side, Achillas and the other officers on board of it hailed Pompey in the most respectful manner, giving him the title of Imperator, the highest title known in the Roman state.