Jonas then took a piece of turf from the field, and put it before the hole, and crowded it in hard with the heel of his boot.Rollo held the lo calorie recipes end of the thread up opposite to the door, in such a way, that the tuft was exactly before the key hole.Yes, said his mother when there is a fire in the room, and none in the entry, then the cold air in the entry runs down through the key hole into the room.Why, Jonas, said Rollo, I didn't mean to triumph over you but why would not the fire burn before you cut the hole lo calorie recipes through? Because, replied Jonas, there was not air enough.O Jonas, said Rollo, don't cut it down.At last, their mother proposed that they should come and sit down by her, and she would tell lo calorie recipes them something more about the air.She told the boys that they had better go out in the kitchen, or into the shed, if it was warm enough, and read the account.Very well, replied lo calorie recipes his mother, you may sit down here upon the sofa.My father explained it all to Nathan and me.But lo calorie recipes perhaps it is because it is so hot.
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