Feasts were given, medals struck, presents given, and the whole empire blazed with illuminations, and rang with all the voices of joy.She had international destination marketing a highly disciplined army of two hundred thousand men her treasury was replenished, and her wide spread realms were in the enjoyment of peace.Frederic exposed his person with the utmost recklessness.So sanguine was he then of success that he dispatched a courier from the field, with the following international destination marketing billet to the queen at Berlin We have driven the enemy from their intrenchments in two hours expect to hear of a glorious victory.One single individual chanced to be taken sick and die.The energetic Prussian king, before the Russian troops had time so to change their positions as to coperate with the Austrians, assailed the troops of Maria Theresa with such impetuosity as to drive them out international destination marketing of Silesia.Maria Theresa eagerly put in her claim for influence in Poland.It was now international destination marketing mid winter.An awful scene of carnage ensued, in which the Austrians lost eight thousand men and the Prussians five thousand, when the remnant of the Prussian garrison, retreating by night through a remote gate, left the city in the hands of the Austrians.In the darkness of the night the international destination marketing Prussians secured their retreat.They immediately, in accordance with regal etiquette, rose.Austria was international destination marketing so exhausted in means and in men, that notwithstanding the most herculean efforts of the queen, it was not until April of the year 1758 that she was able to concentrate fifty thousand men in the field, with the expensive equipments which war demands.The King of Prussia was, however, in a deplorable condition.The map of Poland was placed before the two sovereigns, and international destination marketing they marked out the portion of booty to be assigned to each of the three imperial highwaymen.