Without an hour's delay he urged his victorious columns to the charge.Upon a magnificent eminence called the White Mountain, which commanded the dildo double two city and its most important approaches, the disheartened army of Frederic stopped in its flight, and made its last stand.He then marched triumphantly to Presburg, the renowned capital of Hungary, within thirty miles of Vienna, where he was received by the majority of the inhabitants with open arms.They summoned a diet of the States of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia dildo double two and Lusatia to meet at Prague.And most surprising of all, Ferdinand was successful in securing a truce with Gabriel Bethlehem, which, though it conferred peace upon Hungary, deprived the Bohemians of their powerful support.He plied the elector with arguments and promises, assuring him that the points dildo double two in dispute were political merely and not religious that he had no intention of opposing the Protestant religion, and that if the elector would abandon the Protestant league, he would reward him with a large accession of territory.They were highly gratified in having the King of Bohemia dwell in his own capital at Prague, a privilege and honor which they had seldom enjoyed.The Duke of Bavaria, and the Elector of the Palatinate, were dildo double two neighbors and rivals and the emperor offered Maximilian the spoils of the Palatinate, if they should be successful in their warfare against the newly elected Bohemian king.The victory of the emperor was complete, the hopes of Frederic crushed, and the fate of Bohemia sealed.Unpopularity of the dildo double two Emperor.In fact, Frederic, by his utter inefficiency, was a foe more to be dreaded by Bohemia than Ferdinand.He, conscious that he could maintain his post only by dildo double two a long and uncertain war, declined the perilous dignity.